Thursday, July 27, 2017

New Guest Cabin under construction!

Thanks to a generous gift of an anonymous donor, construction has begun on a new guest cabin. 
The new cabin is located near the existing Temple Cabin, in the area behind the Little Hall. 
Construction continues with the foam insulation and electric being put in next week.
Special thanks to this donor for enabling construction that will be of benefit to many.

Monday, July 24, 2017

Annual Alms Round in the mail

Shao Shan Temple's first Alms-Round-by-mail was sent last week.

In Japan it is traditional for monks to do Alms Rounds ("Takuhatsu") by going door-to-door in the neighborhood and offering protection chants and prayers at each house.  Home owners consider this an honor and give an offering to support the Temple.  In the past, this was often in the form of rice or food, but more recently financial support.

Below is the text of the Annual Alms Round letter sent in the mail.


Shao Shan Temple

Annual Alms Round

Dear Friends of Shao Shan Temple,

We hope that you are well and enjoying the lush summer. In the same way that our mountains and meadows are flourishing, may our practice also manifest this exuberance.

Shao Shan Temple is thriving with a variety of programs which are well attended by a growing community of practitioners. In addition to the regular meditation, retreats and study programs, the youth program has expanded to a year-round offering for children and families, and we are also offering a young adult program for practitioners in their 20s and 30s and outreach programs for high school and college students. We support the community’s life with occasion-specific ceremonies such as home blessings, weddings, memorial services and baby blessings. The temple has hosted several visiting teachers and has had ceremonies inviting the larger community of Buddhist practitioners and the general public. The number of practitioners spending the night at the temple to participate in extended retreats has increased significantly.

Now in its 17th year, Shao Shan Temple continues to support its programs solely through the generosity of those who care for and use the temple. We do not have a membership fee and all programs are offered on a donation basis. It is important to us to continue to offer the teachings in this manner, guided by the Dharma and relying on your goodwill.

Last year, we held several meetings to share the vision for the long-range sustainability of Shao Shan Temple, specifically: to develop in its capacity to serve as a beacon of light for the community, to support the cultivation of goodness, to provide refuge and solace for those in need, to protect the teachings, and to contribute to the flowering of the human spirit for hundreds of years beyond our lifetimes.

To support this vision, we introduced the idea of a new phase in the development of the temple, which would establish a more formal plan surrounding temple programming, building and grounds use, financial structure, legal agreements, and priest succession. Part of this more formal structure necessitates a more active role for the temple community in working together to ensure the health and future of Shao Shan Temple. These conversations have resulted in a number of positive actions, including the establishment of a Development Committee, the initiation of a quarterly newsletter, and increasing fundraising efforts through education of the financial needs of the temple, rhododendron and holiday fundraisers, and an “Annual Alms Round” (of which this is the first).

The temple community has responded to these efforts with astounding generosity, for which we are deeply grateful. Donations in 2016 exceeded operating expenses for the first time in the temple’s history, allowing for much needed infrastructure improvements, including reengineering the driveway, removing precarious trees, implementing a new computer system, updating the LP gas lines and installing a new cooking range.

This year we are asking for the Shao Shan Temple community to consider donating to the temple in several ways. First, recurring monthly donations are a crucial way to help support the temple’s basic operating expenses by providing the temple with a steady stream of income throughout the year. These donations can either be offered by check or cash in the temple offering bowl, or set up as a recurring donation via Paypal. Currently, we are halfway through the temple’s fiscal year and approximately a third of the way towards meeting its basic operating expenses of $16,000 (this figure excludes maintenance and infrastructure improvements).

In addition to meeting the temple’s basic operating expenses, there are several larger infrastructure needs that we would like to address in 2017, including expanding overnight lodging to accommodate the increased numbers of overnight guests.  A generous anonymous donation has been made to initiate the construction of an additional guest cabin.  And we would like to winterize the Little Hall’s shed to house overnight guests.  We will need $5,000 to begin these improvements.  Additionally, the roof over the bathroom/back entrance needs replacing.  We anticipate this expense will be $2,000.

We estimate that if everyone who attends programs on a regular basis were to donate about $70 a month, we would just meet our 2017 operating and infrastructure improvement budgets.

Please consider making a monthly and/or one-time donation to continue to support the vision of Shao Shan Temple as a place for people to come together to study and practice the Dharma. Donations in any amount will be very gratefully accepted and are fully tax deductible.   Thank you.

You are always welcome to join us at the temple to take part in its many offerings. More information about celebrations, programming, schedules, and archived newsletters is available at our website:
With deep appreciation for your friendship and support over the years.

In the Great Bright Universal Truth,

Rev. Taihaku Gretchen Priest
Abbott of Shao Shan Temple m

Monday, July 17, 2017

Summer Mini-Practice Period

Shao Shan Temple had its first Summer Mini Practice Period for five days: July 12th through 16th.  Each day consisted of a monastic-like daily schedule with meditation, services, work and meals concluding with the Zazenkai on Sunday.  Several people participated in the full Practice Period, staying overnight at Shao Shan Temple and being immersed in the Temple Daily Life, while many others joined for parts of the program.

Thanks to all who participated!

Practice Period included Oryoki breakfasts

Morning, Midday and Evening Zazen were part of the daily schedule

Saturday, July 8, 2017

Family program - flower painting, alms round and play

 In the July family program, the children enjoyed playing outside and painting with flowers - the colors were only from flowers! - marigolds, delphiniums, ferns, etc.  Meanwhile the parents had time to meditate and discuss "Right Effort" in relation to parenting.

When the children came in for "Temple Time" they offered flowers and strawberries that they had collected to the alms bowl of a monk (Taihaku) doing alms rounds.

Look forward to being with you all again in August!

Thursday, July 6, 2017

Jukai - Bodhisattva Vows - July 2, 2017

Shao Shan Temple
Sunday, July 2, 2017

This year Susan Calza, Sharon Dube and Max Schlueter made their commitments to become formal students of Shao Shan Temple.  They received the 16 precepts, Buddhist names and have become Taihaku’s students.

Hollie Hurewitz-Herbert, Jamey Plouffe, Alex Sredni, Heather Kralik, and Monica DiGiovanni received the first five Bodhisattva precepts - making their commitment to a Buddhist way of life.

This ceremony was an occasion for the families and friends of those receiving the precepts and Sangha members to join together in support of the commitment that Susan, Sharon, Max, Hollie, Jamey, Alex, Heather and Monica are entering.  

Thank you to everyone who joined together with us in a spirit of renewal of your commitments and intentions which support a life beneficial for all.