Saturday, March 11, 2017

Mud and other distortions

In honor of the state of our dirt roads this time of year, this month's family program had the theme of "mud." Children and teens explored the various ways as humans that we get "stuck in ruts" and form habits, as well as ways to break free of those habits as best we can. They looked at optical illusions that can be seen in multiple ways and Scribbles (drawing different abstract shapes and exploring various things we can see in them/add to them) and a meditation experiment on seeing things freshly. Also they made "ublec" as a mud substitute and had mud-like soymilk chocolate pudding for snack.

Saturday, March 4, 2017

Wagesa Sewing Day

Wagesa Sewing Day

The first step commitment available at Shao Shan Temple is receiving the first five precepts.  With this step, a person receives a wagesa - a minature Buddha's robe.  This year, participants are sewing their own Wagesas, putting in a prayer ("Namu Kie Butsu") with each stitch. Five sangha members began this process today in preparation for the July 2nd ceremony.

Special thanks again 
to our sewing teachers: 
Donna, Judy and Kathleen!