Saturday, January 21, 2017

Inauguration Day sitting and ceremony

We joined together on inauguration day for a time of silent meditation and for a ceremony to attend to the new American president's vow in a prayerful context. In accord with our highest principles and values, we invited all Buddhas and Bodhisattvas to support the safety and well-being of our country and the world.

Shao Shan Temple altar with copy of U.S. Constitution and world globe

May the penetrating light of wisdom dispel the darkness of illusion.
May all harmful karma be dissolved and the mind flower bloom in eternal spring.
May our sangha and communities be peaceful and harmonious.
May the citizens of our land be safe and content.
May our nation’s leaders be filled with goodness, wisdom and courage.
May peace prevail in our communities.
May peace prevail in the nation.
May peace prevail on earth.
May our joyful practice radiate a vast and compassionate mind for all beings.

Saturday, January 14, 2017

Exploring clementines, colors and blessings

In today's family program, the children and teens explored  clementines -closely examining their color, smell, texture and shape.  They also did an experiment of giving attention to a particular color and noticing how that affected their awareness.  When they came back together with the parents at the temple we all did blessing for self, friends, family members, pets and all beings. 

Monday, January 2, 2017

New Year's Eve Celebration

Over 40 people joined Shao Shan Temple's Annual 
New Year's Eve Ceremony/Celebration on Saturday night 
as we spent the last hours of 2016 together in meditation, reflection and festivities.
There was time for sitting and walking meditation, for a personal year review, chanting around the bonfire, refreshments and 108 bells until midnight.

 Happy New Year!