Monday, November 14, 2016

Peanut Butter Pinecones & Holiday Items

The children in the family program on November 12th focused on the themes of kindness and gratitude. They shared aspects of our lives that they were feeling thankful for, as well as ways to do kind things for others. They then practiced loving-kindness meditation and made peanut butter pine cone bird feeders to share that kindness with the animals of the forest..

Also Saturday November 12th was the first day that the Shao Shan Temple Homemade Holiday Items became available. Sangha and Family members came together in festive appreciation of the bounty of Shao Shan Temple's gardens and orchards.

Monday, November 7, 2016

Young Adult Program - communication

An enthusiastic group of adults in their 20's and 30's came together for a day-long program on communication. They experimented with communication skills using principles from Insight Dialogue, a practice of mindful communication developed by Gregory Kramer, as well as how to have more challenging conversations using principles from Verbal Aikido. The day also included meditation, a vegetarian lunch, and work practice.

Saturday, November 5, 2016

Work Practice & Holiday items!

An enthusiastic group stayed today after the usual Saturday morning program to participate in work practice.  
This work practice was focused on the Holiday Items from 
Shao Shan Temple's abundant harvests - 
labels were put on Crabapple Jelly, Blueberry Jam, Honey , Teas, ... Abundance!

Thanks to all who participated, also in cleaning and in planting seeds and other tasks around the temple.