Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Sewing inside & Construction outside - Nov.28

A finished Rain-stitch panel
 This morning, following the usual Wednesday early morning program, inside Shao Shan Temple a small group worked on sewing for the Mountain Seat Robe. 

Outside, construction work continued on the Monk House.  The red roof is now on!
 Both the sewing project and the construction project could not happen without the Sangha (community) involvement - Thanks to everyone who has and is participating!

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Sunday, November 25, 2012

Monk House Construction In Progress!

It is said in the Lotus Sutra that in times of need the Bodhisattvas rise out of the earth to be of assistance.  This weekend at Shao Shan Temple was such an occasion as twenty people enthusiastically volunteered their time and energy for the construction of the Monk House (11/23 &24).  Roger Noble provided capable leadership and the building went up as the snow came down!  Construction continues - visit the website for a slideshow of the construction progress .

Opening Ceremony- Friday morning 11/23/12

Raising the first wall - Saturday 11/24/12

End of the day - Sunday 11/25/12

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Monk House Construction Plans & Upcoming Work Days

Roger has prepared the initial plans for the Monk House and construction preparations are beginning. 

There will be an opportunity for eveyone to participate during the Construction Work Days planned for Friday Nov. 23rd & Saturday 24th. 
The Opening Ceremony & Ground Consecration will be at 9:30am on 11/23/2012. 

Join us for this exciting project!
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Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Building Project Preparations Begin!

 Several Red Pine trees were cut this week as the first preparations for upcoming building projects.

The most recent and exciting development is the plan to build a 14' x 20' structure on the rise behind the woodshed.  This building will initially be uninsulated and will be used to house the Japanese Monks coming next summer for the practice period.  Roger Noble will be coordinating the construction and there will be an opportunity for the Sangha to be involved - more information to come!
Site of new 14x20' multi-use building

Trees cut in front of the temple
to make way for the
Sept.2013 Ceremonies Tent

Logs from the front pine trees will be
pillars in the future (perhaps distant future)
new Zendo addition

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