Thursday, February 13, 2025

Hearts of Lovingkindness - February Family Program

For February's in-person Family Program, we celebrated lovingkindness and the heart. The children's portion of the program began by sharing our names and things we had been noticing in the natural world, which included snow, snow and more snow (and snowflakes!). 

For one activity we paid mindful attention to our pulses as we jumped up and down for a minute and then stood quietly as our heart beats settled back down. We also passed a group pulse, in which each person squeezed the hand of the person next to them as the pulse moved around the circle. Next, we crafted Lovingkindness/Valentine's cards and paper snowflakes, some of which became offerings on the Temple altar, and also made pine cone peanut butter bird feeders as a lovingkindness offering to the birds and other outdoor creatures. 

Finally, we gathered inside the Temple with the adults for some meditation and ringing of the bell, sending the vibrations of lovingkindness near and far.