Sunday, October 11, 2020

Falling leaves - children's program

 The theme of this month's Children's Program was leaves and autumn. First we shared some cool things in nature that we've been noticing as signs of fall, including colorful leaves, making leaf piles, shorter days, cooler temperatures, and birds flying south. We then checked on the sunflower that we started back in April, which is now dried up and in the process of turning back into soil. 

For our story we read The Fall of Freddie the Leaf by Leo Buscaglia, Ph.D., about a leaf named Freddie, who learns a lot of important life lessons from his wise leaf friend, Daniel. Daniel and Freddie discuss what it means to have a purpose in life, how we are all similar and also different, and how to let go and fall gracefully from the tree when the time finally comes. We ended with a resounding OM!