Every year as part of the Anniversary Ceremony/Celebration, we tie ribbons symbolizing our highest intention, our dedication, aspiration onto Shao Shan Temple's gold pole. This year, for the first time, people were invited to write their intention on their ribbon if they chose to, or write their name or simply imbue it with their intention.
Over 15 people returned their ribbons to be included as part of the Anniversary Ceremony, additional ribbons have been received since the ceremony and people have come individually to tie on their ribbons in person.
Many people did choose to write (or draw) something on their Intention Ribbons.
Some excerpts from what is visible on this year's Intention Ribbons:
peace on earth
highest good
warmly in the abundant dharma
let go
great faith
may we emanate peace and harmony
big caring
bless the creatures big and small
closer to each other and the one love