Feb. 15 - Buddha's Parinirvana
On February 15th, Shao Shan Temple had a ceremony honoring the death date of the original teacher, Shakyamuni Buddha's (Buddha's Parinirvana). This year we had a more formal ceremony which included an offering of tea and cakes, instrumentation (bell, drum and cymbals) and a chanting procession.
good followers of the path! Do not grieve! Even if I were to live in the world
for as long as a kalpa, our coming together would have to end. There can be no
coming together without parting. ... it may be that you will think, “The
teacher’s instructions have ceased.” But it should not be seen like this. For
what I have taught shall be your teacher, all living beings shall be your
teacher, this bright world, and your very mind itself, shall be your teacher. Excerpts from the Parinirvana
Brief Admonitions Sutra