and Potluck
On September 24
members of the Development Committee and the temple sangha met for the Annual
Meeting and Potluck at the Maple Corners Community Center. After some
conversation and visits to the potluck buffet, sangha members sat in a circle
to talk about events at the temple during the past year. Taihaku and
Kenzan began by welcoming the members of the sangha and thanking them for their
continued support. They then reviewed various programs and activities
at the temple during the past year. Highlights included a growing interest in
the temple’s website, an increase in attendance for the Study Group Program,
the Family Program, the Young Adult Program, the newly initiated Open
House Program, and the different types of private ceremonies including memorials,
baby blessings, and weddings that have been held at the temple.
Donna O’Malley reported on a sewing
retreat that she and Kathleen Daye attended this summer in Minnesota and Kenzan
reported on the status of the cemetery and how to purchase a lot. Taihaku
then advised the sangha on new facilities projects at the temple including the
new “Treasure House” cabin, which was supported by an anonymous gift, and
refurbishment of the temple exterior, including a new roof for the bathroom.
Taihaku also provided an update on the land transfer project.
To begin the financial report
Taihaku and Kenzan thanked the sangha for their generous support of the first
Annual Alms Round which was mailed at the end of July. A total of 37 sangha members and
friends of Shao Shan Temple made donations to the temple in response to the
mailing. Total donations amounted to
$6,521. One-time gifts were donated by
26 people and 11 people made monthly pledges which will total $593 per
month. Monthly pledges are especially
important because they make it easier for the temple to budget expenses and
ensure a steady cash flow.
Taihaku subsequently explained the
temple’s financial structure which includes a General Fund for operating
expenses, a Repair Fund for capital improvement, maintenance, and repair of the
buildings and grounds, the Land Transfer Fund, and the Endowment Fund, which is
for the long-term care of priests and the temple. The temple’s annual budget is
$21,000; $16,000 is budgeted for the General Fund and $5,000 is budgeted for
the Repair Fund. Donations are used to first meet the needs of the
General Fund. If the General Fund needs are met, additional donations are
placed in the Repair Fund. In the event that more than $21,000 is donated
in a given year, the additional funds are directed to the General Fund.
Kenzan then presented the year-to-date financial report. He
highlighted several major expenses for 2017 including the purchase of a new
computer for the temple, the new roof for the bathroom, and additional expenses
related to completing the new cabin.
After the
discussion sangha members continued socializing with temple friends and made
another visit (or two) to the delicious potluck buffet table.
This article was
written for the Fall, 2017 Shao Shan Temple Newsletter.
Click here to view the Newsletter in its entirety.