An enthusiastic group of regular participants at Shao Shan Temple gathered together on Sunday at the Maple Corners Community Center.
This potluck, organized by the Development Committee, offered the Sangha a chance to gather together socially outside of the temple
context, and also to have time to discuss the well-being and future vision of
Shao Shan Temple.
A summary of the meeting will be in the next Shao Shan Temple Newsletter.
On September 21st, International Peace Day and the Autumn Equinox, we had a 2-part ceremony to commemorate these occasions. An intimate group gathered for chanting at the peace pole garden and to participate in the Ryakufusatsu - an ancient purification ceremony that we perform at Shao Shan Temple on solstices and equinoxes.
The changing of the seasons is reflected in the types of work that are part of the practice at Shao Shan Temple. This week there were several firewood stacking sessions. Each piece of firewood was passed along a chain of volunteers as we chanted
"Namu Kie Butsu, Namu Kie Ho, Namu Kie So".
Thanks to everyone who participated ... and there is still more to stack! Come join us!