Thursday, October 10, 2024

Annual Remembrance Ceremony 2024

This year the Annual Remembrance Ceremony took place Saturday evening, October 5th.  The beautiful evening ceremony was surrounded by candles and firelight took place both in front of the Temple and in the cemetery. 

The Annual Remembrance Ceremony is a time to honor deceased loved ones, our spiritual lineage and those who are interred in the Shao Shan Temple Cemetery.

This ceremony also includes elements of the Japanese Obon Ceremony - a time to honor the ancestors and to invite them to be with us for a celebration.

Friday, September 20, 2024

Beginning Zen Class 2024

 For the first time, Shao Shan Temple offered a three week "Beginning Zen" class as a follow-up to the usual Temple Introduction program.  Classes  discussed basic Buddhist teachings and practiced fundamental Zen forms.  In the 3rd class Rev. Seiso Cooper joined as guest teacher and taught on Shikantaza - "just sitting".

Monday, September 16, 2024

24th Anniversary Celebration/Ceremony!

Sunday, September 15th, we commemorated Shao Shan Temple's 24th Anniversary - 24 years since the Opening Ceremony in the year 2000.  

Prior to the Ceremony itself, there was the option of a time of meditation.An important aspect of Anniversary Ceremonies now is honoring Shao Shan Temple's founding abbot - Taihaku Nishiren Diaosho - who created, envisioned and manifested this beautiful place of practice.  There was the option of offering incense in her memory during the Heart Sutra chanting

The Shao Shan Anniversary has for many years included tying ribbons with our intentions onto the gold pole in front of the Temple while chanting "Namu Myo Ho Ren Ge Kyo" and that tradition was continued this year.  

The bright sunny day celebration was followed with refreshments and fiddle music!

Saturday, August 31, 2024

Maintanence and Work August 2024

Painting the Temple stucco

This year, August was a "Summer Schedule" with special events on the weekends and without the usual weekday programs.  This allowed for several major maintanence projects to support and care for the Temple as it also supports and cares for us.


staining the siding

painting the altar

polyurathaning the altar

processing garlic

The first major project was a complete refinishing of the Temple altar - fresh polyurathane and paint - with the red & gold paint carefully matched to the original colors.  

The second major project was caring for the Temple building exterior - the stucco cracks were filled and all stucco painted, the wood siding stained and cracks around doors and windows were chalked.

Other work projects included processing garden harvest, touching up the Temple Sign, new shelves for meditation cushions, staining all the building decks, planting grass, and so on.

cleaning under the altar

A big thank you to all the Temple community members who helped with these and other projects over the past month.  

touching up the Temple sign

Temple cleaning after construction


Monday, August 26, 2024

Nature Spirit Pilgrimage 2024

On a perfect-weather late-summer day, we gathered at Shao Shan Temple to acknowledge and pay respect to the greater nature that supports our practice.  This included a modified version of a ceremony done in Japan for blessings in gratitude to the protecting Spirits of the Land.

We offered flowers, incense and chanting at multiple sites on the Temple land acknowledging the myriad ways - known and unknown that they support our practice.
Little woodland frogs, toads and newts greeted our path and bird songs accompanied our meditations.

The program included several short blocks of outside meditation and was followed by lunch including vegetables fresh from the Temple's The Leafye Garden.